About Roth & Lebe

As US immigration officials we saw many visa applications fail because of poor submissions from attorneys.
As Roth & Lebe we are dedicated to providing the best immigration outcomes for our clients, their families and their employees.

Roth & Lebe is based in Alexandria, Virginia, home port of tall ship Providence.

Our People

Craig Lebamoff

Senior Partner & Original Founder
Washington DC, USA

Dr Loubna Salagh

Firm Manager and Business Development Director
Washington DC, USA

Joe Nadolski

Consultant - Construction and Engineering Industries
South Florida

In Memoriam

Jordan Lebamoff

1966-2020, Tulane LLB 1991, a great lawyer, friend, and pillar in his community. RIP jamais oublié

Sami Ayish

1964-2023, Lawyer, Friend, Humanitarian. We belong to Allah and to him we shall return.